Purple Parking Meet & Greet Gatwick North
Extra efficient - drop your car off right at the Sofitel car park. No wait guarantee. A 3-minute walk to the terminal through a covered walkway.
Disabled Info
No transfers are needed, Gatwick Purple Meet and Greet will be an excellent alternative for disabled customers who would find it difficult to use transfer buses. Your car is collected from the terminal when you leave, and brought back to you at the terminal on return.
Additional Info
Take proof of purchase with you on your day of travel.
On Arrival
Drive to the Sofitel Hotel car park and head to the meet and greet parking area.
Park your car, hand over your keys and check in your car with the driver. Your car will be taken to a secured car park while you take the 3-minute walk to check-in.
On Return
Once you're back, walk back to the car park, pick up your car and head home.
Sat Nav Info
If using a satnav use postcode: RH6 0PH
Drive your car to the Sofitel hotel car park and head to the dedicated meet & greet area. Park in a meet and greet bay and look out for a uniformed driver. Walk to the terminal in 3 minutes.
When you get back your car will be returned to you where you were met on arrival.